Nicaragua is an original member of the WTO, and attaches a great importance to its participation in the multilateral trade system. From the beginning of the 90, Nicaragua has taken part in multilateral, regional and bilateral negotiations (agreements of free trade).


    • Tariff Preference Levels
    • Simple Transformation
    • List of Scarce Supply
  • Central American Common Market
    Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, have signed an agreement to integrate their economies in order to obtain greater competitiveness on the world market. The union has created a common customs territory among the countries which will allow the free movement of all products, independently of their origin, and elimination of customs requirements among the ALBA countries.
  • Generalized Preference System (GPS)
    Benefit from the industrialized countries directed to the developing countries to grant preferential access to their markets. Nicaragua benefits from the GPS with Japan, the European Union and Canada.

    In negotiation with the European Union (UE)


  • With 19 countries, among them, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Holland, Korea, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic.